Treatment Approach


Evidence-based practice involves combining contemporary research with clinical expertise and patient values, preferences and cultural context.

To learn more about evidence-based practice click here


Attachment theory is a way of understanding mental health problems across the lifespan. It holds that whilst our mental wellbeing is experienced as personal, it is heavily influenced by the quality of our relationships with others both past and present

To learn more about attachment theory click here


I believe that a safe, understanding, authentic and compassionate working relationship between patient and therapist is a key aspect of successful treatment. In this sense I have been influenced by psychodynamic therapy, which places emphasis on the therapeutic relationship as the key ingredient in successful therapy

To learn more about psychodynamic therapy click here


  • Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Therapy

  • Attachment-Based Family Therapy

  • Family-Based Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

  • Systemic Family Therapy

  • Adolescent-Focussed Therapy

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy